Hanna Roisman
Colby Quarterly, Essays on Homeric Epic, 38.2, 2002, Special Issue. Editors: Hanna M. Roisman and Joseph Roisman
Colby Quarterly, Essays on Homeric Epic, 38.1, 2002, Special Issue. Editors: Hanna M. Roisman and Joseph Roisman
Nothing Is As It Seems: The Tragedy of the Implicit in Euripides’ Hippolytus. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999
Colby Quarterly: Essays on the Drama of Euripides, 2 vols. 33.2, 1997. Editors: Hanna M. Roisman and Joseph Roisman
Colby Quarterly, Studies in Roman Epic, 30.3, 1994, Special Issue. Editors: Hanna M. Roisman and Joseph Roisman
Colby Quarterly, Essays on Homeric Epic, 29.3, 1993, Special Issue. Editors: Hanna M. Roisman and Joseph Roisman
Shalom Perlman Book. Thirty Three Studies in Honor of Shalom Perlman (Commentationes ad Antiquitatem Classicam eiusque Hereditatem Pertinentes), Tel Aviv University, 1990, Editor W.Z. Rubinsohn, Associate Editor H. Roisman (in Hebrew)
Loyalty in Early Greek Epic and Tragedy, Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie, Hain, 1984
Supplement to Usus ac Disciplina (Latin Grammar Book), H. Roisman & D. Tadmor, supervised by D. Weissert, Tel Aviv University, 1975 (in Hebrew)